Sunday, October 31, 2004

su hoopskirt estaria aqui pronto
p.s. donde esta mi libro espanol? necisito antes me avergonco (?)...

or however you're supposed to conjugate...
bah, my spanish is getting really rusty

i saw this webpage about bridal flowers...maybe Star would be interested?
click here to see it

Friday, October 29, 2004

¿Dónde está mi hoopskirt? Not that it's mine, but that it's coming to my house. I emailed the seller and got the USPS tracking number, and apparently it's been in Canada for four days already!! They shipped it as a gift, which means customs can't touch it, so why has it been sitting in some random depot for four days?! In case you can't tell, I'm somewhat excited to receive it.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Hi Cindy! The bridesmaids are Star's close girlfriends Alix, Steph, and Ella, and her maid of honour is her friend Haneen. I'm not sure if you know any of them, perhaps you do. You do, however, know most of the groomsmen: Peter, Tim, Ben, Gordon, Chris (pending that he can attend the wedding), and Li-Kai as one of my best men. My other best man is my long term friend Daniel, and I also have two more Winnipeg friends as well as Star's brother, Raven, as groomsmen. So, 10 in my party, 4 in Star's. Gents, you'll be sharing girls down the aisle, hope you're up for it. Pretty much, I chose to invite friends over family (i.e.:my cousin's aren't coming) because you are the people that have had the most impact on my life while I have been with Star, whereas my cousins I see once every year and a half, and none of us keep tabs on each other. So that's how it's going down, I hope I answered everything.

hi everyone,
alright so i'm finally here! glad to see stephen's wedding excitement spreading around!
anyhow, i shouldn't linger here too long. i have 2 exams to study for tomorrow! argh! (ya okay. so steve u had 3 the other day. but ur super. i'm just normal.)

p.s. no steve, i have no known food allergies. oh wait, does milk count? i still eat cream-based things though, so don't worry about me. and, as far as i know, chris isn't allergic to anything. maybe my bad cooking? heehee.
p.s.s (s for second. not quite latin but who cares). steve, who are the groomsmen and the bridesmaids? may i ask?
p.s.t (t for third). i visited the website. the place is beautiful...

Peter: I don't know exactly what you have in mind ...

Anyways, wedding food. I'm going to talk to the owner's wife today about the menu. Are there any food allergies I should know about? Anybody?

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

i just wanna say that the guys need to show steve some fun before he gets hitched... not that being married means that your life is confined to an uneventful, trance-inducing plot of perpetual predictability...... or anything......

kidding. but seriously... start thinkin', guys...

Three midterms this afternoon! Anyways, some updates: bridemaids will be wearing black fancy cocktail dresses of their own choosing (something they can wear again after the wedding), the hoopskirt has been shipped and I'm excited for it to arrive! Sunny, Star's mom, is also getting married in December. We're flying back to Winnipeg (they paid for us - it cost $1000!!) for the wedding, and Sunny has picked out her wedding dress, I'm not too sure of the details, other than it being white silk. I suppose that's all for now. More news as it happens.

Monday, October 04, 2004

I bought Star a hoop skirt on Ebay today!! A surprise gift! At least it would have been a surprise if Ebay didn't send a bunch of confirmations to her email address, then she wouldn't have found out about it in advance! Anyways, if you don't know what a hoop skirt is, it goes under a dress to make it really poofy (think Southern Belle or old-fashioned ballgowns). I would show you a picture, but the seller is a jerk and won't let me have pictures off of the website or Ebay page. I'll take some pictures of Star when it arrives here!

Friday, October 01, 2004

Okay, we have decided on how our invitations are going to look. They're going to be book-style, and we're making them out of duotangs (as weird as that sounds, they actually look nice). The invitations will be six pages or so and will have all of the information about how to get there, when and where everything is, as well as RSVP information. If I had a digital camera I would post pictures, but I don't, so there you have it.