Monday, November 22, 2004

Thanks Cindy!
I'll show her when she get home tonight!

P.S. Sorry I keep editing your posts, I just make the links into hypertext so that it doesn't mess up the blog format (boy that sounds nerdy!). Nothing personal.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

hmm another website for Star: this time, about
wedding cake

i hope these websites are helpful! most of it is probably common sense but it may just contain some good hints, too. :)

Friday, November 12, 2004

Well, when the hoopskirt is under the dress, it makes it really wide. I mean REALLY wide! In fact, when Star sits down in the hoopskirt she also fills out an extra foot and a half on either side of her, which would make it impossible to sit next to anybody! Her dress, however, does not look very good without the hoopskirt (you see it and can tell that something's missing), so we bought her a second dress to wear to the reception.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Happy Birthday Star and Stephen! (sorry stephen; not only do I prefer girls over boys but also it was just alphabetical that way heehee)

A question out of interest: Why couldn't Star wear her current dress to the reception?

Happy birthday Star!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

A new dress!

Recently, upon the arrival of the hoopskirt, Star and I realized that there would be no way for her to wear her current wedding dress after the ceremony (i.e.: to the reception). As a result, we have bought a second wedding dress off of Ebay. It's from either the late 1800's or early 1900's (the seller wasn't sure), and it's made entirely of lace!

Friday, November 05, 2004

The hoopskirt has arrived! It looks amazing, and Star really loves it!

Purolator Courier, however, sucks. They come to my building, and leave no notice that they were here. Then I use USPS to track my package, and they tell me a delivery attempt has already been made. So I call Purolator on Saturday, and they say they can try again on Tuesday, I say that Tuesday is bad, and ask them to come on Thursday. Monday comes around, and there's a Purolator notice on my door - we were here, you were not, pick up your package in Richmond. YOU WERE HERE ON THE WRONG DAY!!! I call them again, and tell them that they messed up. The woman apologises to me and dispatches again for Thursday. Then, the delivery boy gets here and says, annoyed, "I tried on Friday and on Monday, and you weren't home". I'm sorry mister Purolator man, I'll quit school and give up on being a doctor so that I can receive packages from you in the future. What a moron! Considering that they come "anytime between 8 and 5", it's a bloody miracle that they deliver anyting at all. Was he surprised that I wasn't home before? Is it a shock that I don't know the exact arrival date of a package that was mailed a month ago? Aren't they the ones that took their sweet time in inconveniencing me? We'll see if I use them again!

Monday, November 01, 2004

Thanks Cindy! I'll show Star as soon as she gets home!