The thing about Naph is that it has nothing to do with my original name.
Naphegyi is made up of three words in Hungarian (I'll also throw in a pronunciation lesson):
"Nap" - Nop - Sun
"Hegy" - Hedj - Mountain
"I" - Ee - From
Put them together and you get "from the mountains in the sun". Nice meaning, but sounds horrible unless you speak Magyar (Hungarian).
"Nap" would at least be retaining an original piece of my name (though I wouldn't use the Hungarian pronunciation, it's not intuitive enough for Anglo's). "Naph" has nothing to do with my name, and would just be my kowtowing to its Anglicization (the way my cousins have, quitters!). I've been fighting too damn long to give up and be called "Nafejy", at least with "Nap" it stays intact.
That's my reasoning anyways.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
1. congratulations!!
2. Nap sounds a little too cute for the supposedly manly Stephen doesn't it? How about Naph (pronounced with a v or f)?
Not really wedding related but: I GOT AN INTERVIEW WITH U OF M MEDICINE!!!
On a wedding-related note: Star and I have finally come to a decision as to what to do about our names. We were having a problem deciding on what to do about the name change issue. Star is not really attached to the name Ackerman; she used to be because it was her mothers name, but since Sunny changed her name to Layton (Scott's name), Star said she's neither here nor there about the name.
The problem was this: Star Naphegyi is not a very nice sounding name. Also, it's hard enough when you have an unusual first name (everybody reading a class list pronounces her name as "Star?", as if it were a typo), nevermind picking up an unpronouncible Hungarian mouthful like Naphegyi.
As for myself, there is already a Steven Ackerman in the family, he is Star's uncle, and even though we spell our names differently, the pronunciation is the same and thus we have a problem. It's already hard when somebody says "Steve" and we both respond. If I changed my name it would be:
"Which one?"
"Which one?"
See what I mean? Confusing and a little creepy. Also, Ackerman sounds like a Jewish last name (people send Steve Ackerman invitations to Jewish singles nights because they see the name Ackerman in the phonebook and assume he's Jewish).
We played with the idea of hyphenating our names, but Ackerman-Naphegyi won't fit on a drivers licence, and what happens when our Ackerman-Naphegyi kids marry Suminder-Akimoto kids? How will they deal with that? We also tried to blend our names to produce one name out of two sounds. Unfortunately, all we could come up with was Ackerneggy (yuck!) and Napperman (too Jewish).
After a discussion about my father, who always wanted to change his last nameas a child so that it was phoenetically pronouncible in English but never did, mostly due to apathy and laziness (it's somewhat tedious because you ahve to change all of your bank and credit card information, as well as your birth certificate. Plus you lose any credit you've built up with banks over the years), we have decided to simply shorten my name to Nap. It's easy to pronounce, easy to spell, and sounds kind of cute. What do you think?
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Hi Stephen,
Welcome back to your own blog (is it even my place to say that?). Thanks to you and Star, now I'm like dreaming of my own dress and everything...oh oh oh, I can't wait so that I can get married and wear a wedding dress! Bah, all these wedding thoughts make me sound so dreamy and...silly. LOL.
I'm sorry, but I'm a little lost. So the first dress did not look good with the hoop skirt, and the second dress she still didn't like as a reception dress? Aww :( What are you going to do now? I'm sorry to hear that the zipper was wrecked in the process of alteration. Are you sure it is unfixable? Have you taken it to a professional semtress and have it looked at and estimated?
Just asked my mom: I'M SO SORRY...but I still cannot tell you if I can attend your wedding because my summer plan is still largely dependent on my brothers' plans (whether they are taking the MCAT course so i have to stay or not) and my luck with med school (in then back to Taiwan I go...if not in, stay)...can I tell you like, in April?
Crazy sale at Jetsgo! Fly anywhere from Toronto for only $20.05! I've been looking at tickets for this summer, and Jetsgo offers $252 there and $20.05 back! After taxes and crap it's still $490, but it's better than paying $800 if it was $252 each way.
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Wow! I really haven't updated this for a while now! Lots has happened since I last wrote in:
Firstly, the second dress is not begin used as a reception dress. We tried to make it work, but ultimately Star just wasn't happy with it as a reception dress. She used some of the dress material to make a veil for Sunny (Star's mom) to wear at her wedding (this past December thirtieth). It looked really nice in the photos, but due to all the running around and general chaos that was our Winnipeg visit, Star was unable to attach the veil to a clip so that it could be worn on Sunny's head. As a result, Sunny wore no veil for the ceremony and just wore the veil in the photos.
Secondly, Star's current dress has undergone some massive changes. Star, while attempting to modify it, wrecked the zipper on the dress, and it may be unusable. She was really upset about this because not only was the dress not perfect, but now it is unwearable because it is unalterable (the zipper can't really be fixed, and would be very hard to replace)! Star is toying with the idea of wearing Sunny's wedding dress, and having it altered into a strapless dress. The dress is made of silk satin, and has sleeves, a low neckline exposing her collarbone, and an empire waist (from what I can gather, this means that it is a high waist with a band around it? Anybody care to help?). She doesn't like the waist, and has a few ideas of how to change it, but is still upset because it can never be the poofy dress she wanted, and we just don't have the money to buy her the dress of her dreams.
Thirdly, Sunny's wedding was gorgeous! It was in Winnipeg at the Unitarian Church, the place where we had our engagement party. It was a very nice ceremony, and about 55 people were there. It was at 10 in the morning, and was followed by a brunch of eggs, bacon, sausages, and waffles with whipped cream, blueberry sauce, chocolate sauce, maple syrup, and peach brandy sauce. We had a blizzard that day, and everyone had quite a time getting their cars to the reception, but everything worked out very well and we had a really great time.
I'm sure that your eyes are tired by now, and that's about all I can think of. Star is currently at a national conference for science camps for kids in Ottawa, and is coming back on the ninth!